Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else. --Eagleson's Law

Recent Blog Posts

How to Integrate a Google Custom Search Popup In a Bootstrap Navbar

Suitable for a Bootstrap noob, this tutorial will walk you through, start to finish, creating a Bootstrap 3 menu bar and integrating Google's free custom website search capability in a modal popup window. It's fast. It's light. And with this tutorial, easy to do. Continue...

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Rule #6 - Adapt and Adopt

In 1965, Dr. Richard Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was brash, rebellious and rarely passed up an opportunity to point out hypcrisy and irrationality. An experience from his youth can teach us something about programming standards. Continue...

Developer The Programmer's Code

Generic Undo/Redo Stack in C#

In the process of customizing the RichTextBox for Inspire Writing Studio, I discovered the need to manage my own undo/redo stack. I present the code for a simple generic undo/redo stack. This generic undo/redo implementation can be extended for a variety of usage scenarios. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C#

Writing Software for the Novelist

I began my third unfinished novel about four months ago. This time, though, I had a very specific reason for putting it on the shelf. I was unhappy with the writing software available to me and I decided to create my own. I want to invite you on this journey and open the door to the process of planning and creating a viable software product. Continue...

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Unboxing the Microsoft Surface Pro - In Pictures

My Surface Pro arrived yesterday. Does it stand up to the hype or fall flat? Here's an in depth visual look at what you can expect. Continue...

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