Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs. Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do. --Donald Knuth

Posts in css

What are the ASP.NET Named Colors

View the ASP.NET named colors by name, swatch and hexadecimal value Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables ASP.NET CSS Design

Convert Hex String to .NET Color

Learn an easy way and a hard way to convert a hex string to a .NET color using C#. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# CSS HTML

Convert .NET Color to Hex String

Learn how to convert a hex string to a .NET color using C#. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials .NET C# CSS HTML

C# StyleHelper Class

While CSS is the preferred way to manage webpage styles these days, sometimes it's helpful to manage those styles programmatically. Continue...

Developer Tips and Tutorials C# CSS

What are the ASP.NET/CSS Fonts?

A reference for the built in ASP.NET fonts in a convenient list. Continue...

Developer Tools and Tables ASP.NET CSS Design

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